Friday, October 2, 2009

Writer's Block!!!

Guys and girls, ladies and gentleman,
I have reached the plateau of blogging, which is MENTAL BLOCK!
So rite now, I dunno what to write about, or who I'm supposed to talk shit about
So please, help me guys by giving me a topic, be it short or long ,as long as i can use it to write


  1. same here la dear.. own blog pun belum update lagi.. haih...! :-/

  2. Boh saje... anythinglah... whatever that comes to mind... kinky stuff lagi best. Kah, kah, kah...

    Anything amusing you came across and stuff like that...

  3. Hi Babe,
    u can write bout what u do daily... Its more like ur personal dairy. Im sure there's a lot of people who wants to know bout ur lifestyle, what u do, where u go makan, sex life & etc..
    Humble 5 cents opinion..

  4. mmm nk tulis ape ek???

    1. ur daily doins
    2. wat did u observe daily; people around
    3. ur sex life
    4. anythin bout art - sex etc
    5. x pun kan... u stori da mori balik wat eva sex game yg u x leh lupe with u prtner ke ur swinger ke

  5. yeah.... people love to read ur life xperience......
