Wednesday, September 9, 2009

So close yet so far

Thanks to you guys, i managed to collect around RM950 in my quest to get myself a DSLR for myself
Thanks to you guys, i managed to get contact where to get a decent 2nd hand DSLR at Pertama Complex
Thanks to you guys, i managed to go there and found a 2nd hand Nikon D40 going for RM1200
Thanks to you guys, i managed to to hold it up till I can get it, but the owner doesnt accept deposits or downpayment, so I can only buy the camera when i have the full amount
Thanks to you guys, i managed to lose the camera with just RM 250 to go, and now I have to start finding a more expensive on to get it started
Thank you very much


  1. Oh dear... someone else bought it?


  2. Sorry to hear that Babe..
    Keep on going strong & hope you'll find a better one soon.


  3. yeah, i lost out on it already
    worse, i went there again, and there it is, another good camera, but again i'm short of cash to get even that one

  4. well, i think i will have no more target, i'm just gonna have to wait till i get the full amount to get a new one then
    It will take some time, but so be it

  5. :(.

    so u still need help??

    i still wanna help but after raya can lar..

    now i don't have the money..
