Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Am I a sex symbol?

For the past 4 years, I've been getting this tag alot, but seriously, i dun have the slightest idea why. Wanna know the reason? Simple. To me, a woman's body is only sexy when she wants to be sexy. U might have the nicest bod in the universe, but if ur attitude, how u carry urself is bad, nobody is gonna look at u in the eye and tell u that.
A lot of ppl have been saying that i'm too selfish, proud of myself, till i got no time to reply or be nice to ppl who has been sending me mails and comments. Do you guys know how many mails i got a day? Can i say 400 mails per day is the minimum? U dun want to know what is the maximum... and to be frank, 95% of all that mails are very short indeed, like ' can i fuck u?' , ' u are very sexy' , 'can we meet tonite? ' and all the craps, so on and so forth. If u were me, what would u reply, and again, would u be nice and reply to all mails u got? I DUN FUCKIN' THINK SO!
So in my own words, i dun consider myself sexy, I just want to share what i have, and how i pose in it..simple enuff.


  1. 100% Agree with you. For me, Sexy ia an Art, not about being slut or bitch. Share the good thing that you have is a very generous thing and is not being selfish. Don't waste your time with "short" and unsincere guys.

  2. business huh? what kind of business?

  3. Hahaha... I'm not surprised at all. But for the record, you are sexy... you are confident with your body and that's important.


  4. sex symbol?... i tot that idea died with marlyn monroe

  5. naaaa... was kidding... if u enjoy being one.. then so be it... if people out there.. u enjoy interacting with one.. so be it... you can be all the sex symbol u want but if u dont have a following... then it means notthing... 400 a day?... you're getting somwhere babe... :)

  6. huhu

    i've folowin ur page in myspace for quite a while, n i amazed on how brave u r

    so don wori ma dear, jst keep on doin wat u r doin

    stay cute, sexy n genius k

  7. hey there cairol.fetree...
    thanks for commenting okay?
